Model of Learning 02

May 2 at 8:30 am - 12:30 pmFree
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Across all our schools we want children to learn in stimulating environments where prior learning is seamlessly built upon and used, to unlock new and exciting concepts from our carefully sequenced, ambitious curriculum. This full day session will equip you with a clear understanding and practical experience of our Trust Model of Learning. The session will focus on our four principles of:

  1. Reviewing the learning: how best to link learning to previous lessons and learning outcomes as well as how to fully embed key words to ensure pupils gain the desired learning and to allow them to over-learn and gain immediate success.
  2. Introduction of new material: the use of small steps/asking the right questions/guiding pupil practice/checking pupil understanding/obtaining high success rate and scaffolding for difficult tasks.
  3. Independent practice: challenging you to think hard about how pupils process new learning. We will balance cognitive overload with a focus on how we carefully set our minimum expectations to ensure that standards remain high and that over scaffolding does not creep in!
  4. Assessing the learning: how we assess what has been learned, both in each lesson and over the longer term. Getting this right will mean that future learning is carefully tailored to maximise ongoing learning. We will look at questioning and sample marking as ways to assess the learning efficiently.


Release time is required to attend this session: Please discuss with your line manager prior to signing up.


Model of Learning

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